
Apr 11, 2024 This June we’re organizing the first Queer in Math Day at MPI MIS! :rainbow_flag: Be gay, do math :heavy_heart_exclamation: (Slides)
Feb 02, 2024 This May we are organizing the IMPRS Combo II workshop. Be sure to check out the speakers and to register!
Dec 26, 2023 Happy holidays! To celebrate the season I published my first small blog post! :gift:
Nov 07, 2023 Enya Hsiao and I are organising a reading group on Geometric Invariant Theory and the Non-abelian Hodge Correspondence! Check out the schedule here.
Oct 18, 2023 My page was awarded by MathRepo as the FAIRest page of the year!
Sep 01, 2023 The Max Planck Institutes of Leipzig are celebrating the science and music open air Quantum Entanglement Festival! Come and play mathematical dominoes at my demo booth!
Aug 01, 2023 Together with Yannik Mahlau and Lukas Berg we won an Outstanding Paper Award in the ML Reproducibility Challenge 2022! For an overview check out the Kaggle notebook!
Jul 06, 2023 My first preprint just went online! Check it out on arXiv:2307.02560.
May 24, 2023 I became a maintainer of the MathRepo! What is MathRepo?
Apr 11, 2023 I am the first face of the Math Planck People series! Check out the article here.
Jan 28, 2023 Hello world. This website just launched! :sparkles: