
Publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. Article
    Mukai lifting of self-dual points in ℙ⁶
    Barbara Betti ,  and  Leonie Kayser
    Jun 2024


  1. quintics_small.png
    Hilbert Functions of Chopped Ideals
    Fulvio GesmundoLeonie Kayser ,  and  Simon Telen
    Jul 2023
  2. mcts_mutag_small.png
    [Re] On Explainability of Graph Neural Networks via Subgraph Explorations
    Yannik MahlauLeonie Kayser ,  and  Lukas Berg
    ReScience C, Jul 2023


  1. Thesis
    Gröbner Bases and Their Complexity
    Leonie Kayser
    Oct 2022
  2. Thesis
    The Waring Problem for Polynomials: Geometry and Applications
    Leonie Kayser
    Jan 2022