Talks and posters I've presented over the years. Mostly with PDF's.
- Dec 11: Logarithmic Discriminants of Hyperplane Arrangements (Slides) at Women in Algebra and Symbolic Computation III, Bad Dürkheim
- Nov 26: Recovering a form from its (higher) spaces of partials (Blackboard) at Macaulay2 in the Sciences, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Oct 23: Logarithmic Discriminants of Hyperplane Arrangements (Slides) at RePS, Universität Leipzig
- Oct 22: Logarithmic Discriminants of Hyperplane Arrangements (Slides) at Positive Geometry Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Oct 3: Computational Mukai lifting of self-dual points in ℙ⁶ (Blackboard) at Séminaire de Géométrie Complexe, IMT, Toulouse
- Sep 7: Formen und ihre Gleichungen (Poster) at Entanglement Music & Science Open Air, heiter bis wolkig, Leipzig
- Jul 29: Mukai lifting of self-dual points in ℙ⁶ (Slides) at MEGA 2024, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Jul 18: Commutative & non-commutative rank (Slides, Video) at Seminar: Tensor Ranks and Tensor Invariants, University Bochum
- Jul 11: Pair of pants decomposition (Blackboard) at Reading group on Teichmüller spaces, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Jun 6: Queer In Math Day - Introduction (Slides) at Queer In Math Day, MPI MiS Leipzig
- May 21: Multigraded polynomial rings (Blackboard) at Reading group on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra, MPI MiS Leipzig
- May 14: Tensor Decomposition using Numerical (Non)Linear Algebra (Slides) at SIAM LA24, Sorbonne Université, Paris
- Apr 10: Recovering forms from their space of partial derivatives (Poster) at GSMAAC24, FU Berlin
- Mar 25: Hilbert Functions of Chopped Ideals (Slides) at N&O Seminar, CWI Amsterdam
- Mar 9: Formen und ihre Gleichungen (Poster) at SPIN 2030 Science Festival, Technische Sammlungen Dresden
- Mar 8: What is Tensor Decomposition? (Slides) at What is… Mathematics talks, MPI CBG Dresden
- Mar 1: Geometry of Eigenvalue Methods for Symmetric Tensor Decomposition (Slides) at NoGAGS 2024, University Oldenburg
- Feb 22: The moduli problem (Handout) at GIT & NaHC Reading Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Dec 14: Die Euler-Charakteristik: Von unplättbaren Graphen und anderen Welten (Folien) at Weihnachtsvorlesung, MPI MiS, Leipzig
- Dec 7: The Computational Complexity of Subalgebra Membership (Slides) at the NLA Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Nov 23: Affine and projective varieties (Slides) at GIT & NaHC Reading Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Nov 8: The Computational Complexity of Subalgebra Membership (Blackboard) at IMPRS Combo 1, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Nov 7: “One slide about me” (Slide) at Geometry meets Algebra day, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Nov 1: Recovering a polynomial from its space of partial derivatives (Blackboard) at RePS, Universität Leipzig
- Oct 9: MathRepo - MPI MiS’ mathematical repository (Slides) at MaRDI meets information specialists, MPI MiS, Leipzig
- Sep 28: Die Euler-Charakteristik: Von unplättbaren Graphen und anderen Welten (Poster) at MPI MiS, Leipzig
- Sep 16: Domino spielen mit Emil Post (Poster) at Quantum Entanglement Science & Music Open Air, Leipzig
- Sep 6: Hilbert Functions of Chopped ideals (Poster) at Conference on Applied Algebra, Osnabrück University
- Jul 10: Hilbert Functions of Chopped ideals (Poster) at SIAM AG23, TU Eindhoven
- Jun 21: Hilbert Functions of Chopped ideals (Slides) at the NLA Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- May 31: Hilbert Functions of Chopped ideals (outdated
Slides) at 10. Computeralgebra-Tagung der Fachgruppe, LUH Hannover - May 26: 60 minutes of local cohomology (Slides) at the NLA Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- May 23: Hilbert Functions of Chopped ideals (outdated
Poster) at CAToA, Politecnico di Torino - Apr 13: Exponential Families a.k.a Toric Varieties (Blackboard) at Reading Group In Algebraic Statistics, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Mar 16: Smoothness of Hilbert schemes (Blackboard) at Hilbert Schemes Learning Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Mar 9: What is a Hilbert function? (Slides) on the Seminar day on Algebra, Geometry and Computation, CWI Amsterdam
- Nov 30: Gröbner Bases and Their Complexity (Slides) at Computational Geometry School, ITWM Kaiserslautern
- Nov 23: Gröbner Bases and Their Complexity (Slides) at THI Advanced Seminar, LUH Hannover
- Jul 8: Der Satz von Smolensky (Folien) at Seminar Theorie Boole’scher Schaltkreise, LUH Hannover
- May 31: Wie schwer ist CTL Model Checking wirklich? (Folien) at Seminar Logik und Komplexität, LUH Hannover
- May 25: Hodgestrukturen (Blackboard) at Seminar K3-Flächen, LUH Hannover
- Jan 28: The Waring problem for polynomials (Slides) at IAG Research Seminar, LUH Hannover
- Jan 19: Ein #P-vollständiges Problem: Die Permanente (Slides) at Seminar Komplexitätstheorie, LUH Hannover
- Jul 15: Die Presburger Arithmetik ist hart für EXPTIME (Folien) at Seminar Berechenbarkeit und Logik, LUH Hannover
- Jul 5: Derived functors done quick (Slides) at Vorlesung Algebraische Topologie, LUH Hannover
- May 6: Geometrische Komplexitätstheorie (Folien) at THI Oberseminar, LUH Hannover
- Jan 12: Stabilität von Kurven (Notizen) at Seminar Modulräume algebraischer Kurven, LUH Hannover